I am a practitioner of Western herbal medicine, a Medical Herbalist. I trained at Heartwood for five years prior to which I gained a BSc Honours in Psychology and Philosophy from the University of Bristol. I believe that nature has power beyond our imagination to facilitate healing on a fundamental level, and by working with nature we can find our way back to health. This shift requires commitment from both the practitioner and the patient – I am here to guide and support, but the patient does the healing.
While I had always been deeply connected to nature, after seven years of Buddhist practice I took a trip to the Amazon where I did a traditional dieta and discovered a world of healing plants. Years of exploration, facilitation and curiosity alongside becoming a mother brought me to becoming a professional herbalist. While I love the mystical perspectives of traditional healing, I am dedicated to remaining grounded, working from recent research and continually expanding my clinical knowledge.
What I do best is helping people identify the blocks in their life that hamper their wellbeing on a psychological, social and physical level, and shift themselves towards greater wellbeing and toward feeling more themselves.