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Welcome to the herbal clinic
Start your journey today

Welcome to the clinic

The natural medicine clinic treats the individual, taking an in-depth look into your history, tendencies, mental state, lifestyle and diet, and how we can support you.

Initial consultations are for 70 minutes. After the consultation you receive a treatment plan, and your herbal prescription is dispensed for collection or delivery to your address following payment. You should have a follow-up after 4 weeks and then every 4, 6 or 8 weeks until you have completed your course of treatment. Follow-ups last 40 minutes and allow us to provide further support and tailor the formula to your current needs.

We aim to promote deeper healing rather than simply treat symptoms. We consider diet, lifestyle and psychology in your plan which play a crucial role in allowing the body to heal; your commitment is a vital element in the process.

Collaborative - Holistic - Gentle

We each have autonomy over our bodies and we are here to support you and your choices.

We believe health is not just the absence of disease, but a positive state of wellbeing. We explore the factors influencing the body’s current health status and what might be happening at an underlying level. Treatment plans are constructed based on principles of functional medicine, traditional medicine and contemporary research.

We work according to the principle of doing no harm, supporting patients with food-as-medicine and lifestyle shifts alongside herbal medicine aiming to avoid high risk medical interventions and to prevent further deterioration, complementing conventional medicine and boosting health on all levels.

Clinic pricing

Please note new consultation times and rates 2025

Initial consultation 70 min : £120

Follow-up consultations 40 min : £80

Inclusive package (4 consultations, 16 weeks tinctures) : £525

Tinctures, per 105ml (standard weekly tincture) : £15

Teas, per 100g : £12

Please note that research goes into every management plan
Tinctures standard at 105ml per week, in certain cases 70ml per week is given
100g tea is approx. 2 weeks at full dosage or 4 weeks at supplementary dosage (alongside a tincture)
Creams and other preparations vary

Sliding scale consultations

In order to make herbal medicine accessible to all, we offer a regular affordable clinic. To apply for the next clinic, please complete the form below, and we will get back to you with a slot.

Prescriptions cost £24 for 4 weeks of teas or £30 for 2 weeks of standard tinctures.

To find out more, contact: clinic@foheal.co

Join our NEW monthly membership!

Stay supported naturally with our membership, including:

One consultation
4 weeks’ standard tincture
100g bespoke tea blend
Postage included

£144 / month

intro chat
(20 min)


Initial consultation
(70 min)


Follow-up consultation
(40 min)


Inclusive package
(16 wks)
